At first, we have to know why   "on-page"  SEO is important.

'On-page' SEO important because of user acquisitions and gathering traffic in our Website

Stape to user acquisition, we have to follow a waterfall

  •  User Search
  • click & visit
  • Navigate multiple pages by users
  • Share your content by user
           ✔️ON-PAGE SEO DONE 👍

The main thing in all of this, we have to go with user choice & user satisfaction and the SEO waterfall helps us to write a user friendly, optimize, and user satisfying article.
In the whole waterfall process if we skip any stape or try to overreact any stape, then the audience unsatisfied, and the result of it the people don't read your article, they bounce back to Google. The most annoying & worsted thing happened by this, Google started to ignore your Website and fall the rank on Google. From this point your site's downgrade will start and finally Google removes your website from the Google webmaster / Google search console.
So it very important to understand the waterfall and impose it correctly on your website.

  • Now let's learn about user Acquisition waterfall.

1. User Performs a Search Query on Search Engine

We have a ton of niches and in each niche, we have a set of specific users who timely search these niche related queries on search engines like google, bing, etc to find quality content and their query resolution.

2. User Click on the Search Result & Visits the site

Once the user sees multiple results in the search engine, the user decides to click on a particular link depending on various factors which include title and description. In ON-Page SEO our first goal is to optimize the title and description and make it more convincing and appealing to the user and hence increasing the CTR of your website/blog.

3. The user spends more time or Visit multiple pages

Once the user has landed on your blog, now it all depends on your Content Quality and Your way of COntent Presentation which holds the user for a longer duration of time and Hence reducing the Bounce Rate which is one of the 200 Signals which Google uses to Rank Sites on SERP. Good user experience leads to your Higher ranking on search engines and hence increasing your blog's traffic. so you should be focusing on how to improve the User experience. This can e did in various forms like
  1. Use Headings, Sub-Headings to Divide your Content
  2. Use H1, H2, H3 Tags
  3. Try to Avoid Keyword Stuffing
  4. Focus on Mobile Friendly UI

4. The User shares your content over social media

Once the user is properly satisfied with your content, the next step the user does is, Share your valuable content with his Friends, Family or the People Concerned so that they can also read this valuable article and hence bringing in more and more traffic to your blog and hence your blog get a free promotion every time a new user comes and gets overwhelmed with your awesome content.